Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day Anyone?

I am thinking about the possibility of a snow day. The kid part of me wants a snow day. I have not played in the snow for a long long long time. It just isn't physically practical for me. I would love just not to be practical sometimes.
I have learn that I am a very calculated person. I plan things way in advance and rarely do I just do things I would love just to be spontaneous once in my life. Maybe a random road trip. Though I would have to plan for a ride. LOL
Why do I want a snow just to be stranded inside a dorm room? To be honest it is because to be honest snow is one of the most beautiful things to me. MBU just looks awesome when under a blanket of snow. May we never grow so big that we loose that beauty. To be quite honest the beauty of the campus was one of the things that attract me to the campus.

The only thing that I don't like about this snow is that I need to get home. It is going to snow from here to home. I want to see the family and check in on mom who is not doing to well but still in good spirits.

My goal is to post again this week we shall see.

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