Friday, February 1, 2008

Why I love my Mobap family.

I am writing this post to my M.B.U family. I love you all and cherish your prayers. I do not know what the future holds but let me name a few things I do know. I have many awesome friends at M.B.U. My family and I know that there are so many people praying for us and on behalf of them I say thank you.
I have enjoyed the snow that came, as I have said in a past blog I love how things look with a fresh blanket of snow. We didn't get as much snow as we thought we might here at home, though I have heard that St. Louis did. Stay safe!!!
I received an unexpected blessing, the Greek test is delayed 1 week this will give me a chance to spend time with family and get things squared away for mom when she comes home from the hospital this weekend.

Let me say I love Jesus, it is only through Him that I keep my head up. "His grace is sufficient for me."
Mom and I talked about that particular verse before I left to come back to school. She had mentioned that she had prayed many times to be healed and still she continues to be sick. I told her,"Now you understand better then must what Paul understood when God told him, "My grace is sufficient for you".

No matter what the future holds, I know this I love the Lord, and so does my family. May God be made known through this time of stress and sadness.

Why do I love MoBap because? Because they love me. moreover they love Jesus.

1 comment:

Lisa Hessel said...

praying for you Scott :).