Friday, February 15, 2008

The Longest Yet Shortest Week of My Life.

It has been a long while since my last post. Many things have happened. all of them good in one way or another. I found out in the last week many things and in upcoming blogs I will discuss all of them at length.
1. I have a better understanding of Awesomeness of God.
2. I have a better understanding of the meaning of friendships.
3. I have a better understanding of the power of prayer.

So as fare as the last week goes, it started out with two very quick trips to and from St. Louis. Mom had been sick for quite some time and was once again not feeling well (I did not know at this to me seriousness of the situation). It was just going to be a routine visit home.

The first time I went home it was mom's condition is getting worse, but she will get better. I told mom and dad that I would be going to Louisville over the weekend and would be back the next Saturday(that would have been this Saturday). That would never happen however Mom passed away last Thursday, one week ago yesterday. (I find the last sentence hard to type).

In all of this I can find happiness however, I found out the depth of my MBU friendships. I have always heard that MoBap was a family, but I always thought no they are a college. I found out this last week that yes we are a family. The respect that I was shown by my family at MoBap was enough to humble me and to cause me to praise God for them. As I now grieve I know I have a college family who is there for me.

To all of you I say thank you! I will be back soon God bless all of you.

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