Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Smile Returns: A Trip to Southern Seminary and More.

I went on a campus visit this week (Wednesday and Thursday to be exact). It was well worth the trip in many ways. I got out of the house for the first time in a while, days where beginning to run together, so it was great just to get away from home and even out of Illinois if only for a short time.
The hospitality of the S.B.T.S. was impressive. The had made an error with my room reservation that took all of five minutes to fix. Meals where taken care of as well for me and my guest. I really think that I could start to love this place. I got lost on purpose once just so I could see the friendliness of the people, I was not disappointed. The campus is beautiful and there where obvious improvements going on which was good to see.
I suppose I could talk about the Academics which I resist talking about. They are by far one of the most intellectually talented faculty I have researched so far. But yet again that was not what impressed me the most it was once again the hospitality. I spoke with a professor named Dr. Greenway, he is a teacher in the Applied Apologetics program (the program that I would be in). We spent more time talking about life and God then we did business and School. The time for that talk is approaching fast enough, no need to rush.

My visit was not all business however. I met up with a friend who I had not seen in a good while. It was a good visit though I wish it could have been longer. She is working hard in her studies at Southern, and even in the short visit we had I could see a growth spiritually. She is by far one of the most spiritually mature women I have met, I look forward to seeing what God can do when her school is over and she heads into the field of missions. I truly did enjoy that time as these last few months have been a stressful time for me it was a nice change pace.

Please pray for me as I begin the transition into this next phase of education and more importantly life. I never expected to be at a University let alone a Grad school. God had truly made more of me then I though I could ever be. I cannot take credit for my success God has placed so many people and events in my life. It is only by the placing of these pieces by a skilled and loving creator that makes what I am doing possible.

Thank you to all of you. Thanks for being willing to help me on this journey.

1 comment:

Sarah Marie said...

I am glad your trip was all you wanted/needed and more. God is good like that. I can't wait to see you soon!