Sunday, May 11, 2008

To my Mother

"His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master." Mathew 25:21

As I think about my mother on this mothers day and the work that Christ was able to do through her I am amazed. She worked at many things: The mother of an adopted daughter, a disabled son, a girl scout leader, and a teacher of many in Bible school. I watched you fight and win a battle with cancer.

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. " Philippians 1:6

I sat with you as your work came to an end. I waited with you as you waited to see your master. This work was not done for people but for Him. This is what made you special, you taught us how to love God in spite of what tasks we given. You taught us to love God because of the task not in spite of it.

"For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 1:11

I long to know the joy you felt as you met Jesus that day, I will be with you again but I still have work to do. I will take those things you taught me and use them. I hope that I will make you proud of me. I hope that I will meet a lady that you would be proud of. I love you, and miss you so.

I am proud to have called you Mom.

In loving memory of Mom:
Susan L. Mitchell
May, 29th, 1956-February, 7th, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Looking back on the semester.

I can honestly say there has never been a semester at MBU that didn't present its own unique challenge for me. Be it working around a disability. getting used to relationships or the possibility of relationships, or dealing with family struggles far from home.

2007-08 has been no different but the level was indeed raised to a new high. The worsening of my mothers heath was nothing new we had been dealing with this for 11 years. I would soon find this year to be very different. In that Fall mom got worse and began treatments at Barnes Jewish Hospital, new treatment new hope. By December her health would be worse I chose to return to school somehow knowing I would be home soon. By February, I knew my life would be changed forever.
Mom past away at 10:55 AM Thursday, February, 7th. after a week of caring for her. My Job was the night shift, I would sit and watch momma and pray. "Please do not let her suffer, she loves you lord please take her home". I would sit in Mommas room with my winter jacket on because momma was hot so we had the AC on and all the fans.
I sat and held her hand the morning she passed away, no sign of agony on her face just peace. I laid down a bit only to be awakened by my brother telling me to go sit with mom she doesn't have much time left. I sat and still the same peace. Oh to know what Jesus was saying to her at that time.

Mom has been gone for almost 3 months now, just went to see the monument last Saturday. Sort of brought all things into perspective.
It reminded me of something John Piper said: God is not the most satisfied in times of happiness and we praise him, but it is when the pain seems unbearable and we say God IS ENOUGH."

This is what I have learned this semester GOD IS ENOUGH. The semester turned out good grades not to bad. I discovered the awesomeness of friends, and have found new people.

So to sum up the semester I would say GOD IS ENOUGH!!